Task Management


Manage tasks with job codes and projects.


Easy task tracking with just a single click. Manage all your tasks with job codes. Job codes and projects help organize your project reports. Job codes and projects are optional, and keep your task list clean.

Track tasks with just a single click.

Group tasks with job codes and projects.

Create to do tasks lists.

Supports manual time and automatic time.

Daily task time reports and notifications.

Native apps on desktop, web and mobile.

Easily start task timer.


Task tracking with just a single click on our app.


Task tracking is a single-click option on every page on our website and mobile apps. The single-click option makes task management effortless. You can group tasks into job codes and projects at any time. Tasks can also be manually updated to adjust for errors.

Easily accessible tracking menu.

Supports automatic and manual time.

Start tasks using Web, Desktop and Mobile Apps

Job Codes and Projects


Group tasks into job codes and projects.


Organize your task list with job codes and projects. Run custom job code and project reports. Keep your project reports tidy.

Generate unlimited invoices.

Bill only approved hours.

Schedule invoices or manually send them.

Payment reminders and due invoice tracking.


Native iOS, Android, Web, and Desktop time tracking apps.


Our apps run natively on the web, mobile, tablets, and desktops. Our apps are even designed to run on the latest Apple M1 chips and all Windows desktops.

Native Windows and MacOS apps including M1 and M2

High performance native apps.

Native apps for iOS and Android.


From the Blog